to Apr 16


Leadership Embodiment Level 1

April 15 & 16, 2020

2-day Workshop

To be impactful and cultivate excellence within our organizations and with our clients, we must be conditioned in multi-faceted ways. Leadership Embodiment (LE) gives you the tools and practices to be a skillful listener, a powerful advocator and an inspirational leader. Leadership Embodiment calls us to look at our personality pattern so we are aware when we're preventing a more inclusive, bold, and centered vision of ourselves and the causes we seek to realize.

LE programs are designed to create deep and lasting impacts by engaging participants in practical, real world experiences of being centered under pressure. Participants build a reference point for confidence and the ability to take action gracefully under pressure.

How do we do this?

Research shows that the practice of LE tools such as centering, restores the capacity for the long-term, higher functioning aspects of the brain - big picture thinking, innovation, creativity and intuition. Stress mutes these higher functioning capacities of the brain and activates the short-term survival behavior - narrow focus, hyper vigilance and defensiveness.

What makes our program different than others?

LE provides simple and powerful ways to practice while you are working. We do more than tell you about the process, we create a simulator so that participants learn to recognize their own stress patterns and apply techniques that allow them to deal with stress more gracefully and effectively.

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to Mar 4

Workshop: Leadership Embodiment 2

Leadership Embodiment Level 2 - A deeper dive

Building on the foundation of the Fundamentals Level 1, the Intermediate Level 2 course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their awareness and explore their patterns and centering practice in a variety of situations.
Knowing the language and principals of the LE model allows for greater insights into the ways stressors affect the body. Discover how muscle groups tighten or extend releasing chemicals that change the way your mind thinks and the way you speak.
The Intermediate Level 2 course will introduce you to:
• Working with the wooden practice sword to raise energy and in crease your capacity for positive power, especially when Speaking Up
• Working with greater inspiration to address challenges with more ease
• Aligning your body and speech to become more effective at influencing the environment
• Cultivate the ability to respond skillfully under duress
• Develop an awareness to identify higher levels of stress, recognize your pattern and commit to practices that allow you to address these situations more skillfully

LE programs are designed to create deep and lasting impacts by engaging participants in practical, real world experiences of being centered under pressure. Participants build a reference point for confidence and the ability to take action gracefully under pressure.

How do we do this?

Research shows that the practice of LE tools such as centering, restores the capacity for the long-term, higher functioning aspects of the brain - big picture thinking, innovation, creativity and intuition. Stress mutes these higher functioning capacities of the brain and activates the short-term survival behavior - narrow focus, hyper vigilance and defensiveness.

What makes our program different than others?

LE provides simple and powerful ways to practice while you are working. We do more than tell you about the process, we create a simulator so that participants learn to recognize their own stress patterns and apply techniques that allow them to deal with stress more gracefully and effectively.


This two-day workshop is an opportunity to deepen our intentions and be more skillful in our relationships and actions.

* Please note completion of Level 1 is a pre-requisite requirement before registering for this class.

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to Oct 31

Leadership Embodiment Level 2 - A deeper dive

Building on the foundation of the Fundamentals Level 1, the Intermediate Level 2 course offers participants an opportunity to deepen their awareness and explore their patterns and centering practice in a variety of situations.
Knowing the language and principals of the LE model allows for greater insights into the ways stressors affect the body. Discover how muscle groups tighten or extend releasing chemicals that change the way your mind thinks and the way you speak.
The Intermediate Level 2 course will introduce you to:
• Working with the wooden practice sword to raise energy and in crease your capacity for positive power, especially when Speaking Up
• Working with greater inspiration to address challenges with more ease
• Aligning your body and speech to become more effective at influencing the environment
• Cultivate the ability to respond skillfully under duress
• Develop an awareness to identify higher levels of stress, recognize your pattern and commit to practices that allow you to address these situations more skillfully

LE programs are designed to create deep and lasting impacts by engaging participants in practical, real world experiences of being centered under pressure. Participants build a reference point for confidence and the ability to take action gracefully under pressure.

How do we do this?

Research shows that the practice of LE tools such as centering, restores the capacity for the long-term, higher functioning aspects of the brain - big picture thinking, innovation, creativity and intuition. Stress mutes these higher functioning capacities of the brain and activates the short-term survival behavior - narrow focus, hyper vigilance and defensiveness.

What makes our program different than others?

LE provides simple and powerful ways to practice while you are working. We do more than tell you about the process, we create a simulator so that participants learn to recognize their own stress patterns and apply techniques that allow them to deal with stress more gracefully and effectively.


This two-day workshop is an opportunity to deepen our intentions and be more skillful in our relationships and actions.

* Please note completion of Level 1 is a pre-requisite requirement before registering for this class. 

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to Feb 21



February 20 & 21, 2019

2-day Workshop

To be impactful and cultivate excellence within our organizations and with our clients, we must be conditioned in multi-faceted ways. Leadership Embodiment (LE) gives you the tools and practices to be a skillful listener, a powerful advocator and an inspirational leader. Leadership Embodiment calls us to look at our personality pattern so we are aware when we're preventing a more inclusive, bold, and centered vision of ourselves and the causes we seek to realize. 

LE programs are designed to create deep and lasting impacts by engaging participants in practical, real world experiences of being centered under pressure. Participants build a reference point for confidence and the ability to take action gracefully under pressure.


Research shows that the practice of LE tools such as centering, restores the capacity for the long-term, higher functioning aspects of the brain - big picture thinking, innovation, creativity and intuition. Stress mutes these higher functioning capacities of the brain and activates the short-term survival behavior - narrow focus, hyper vigilance and defensiveness.


LE provides simple and powerful ways to practice while you are working. We do more than tell you about the process, we create a simulator so that participants learn to recognize their own stress patterns and apply techniques that allow them to deal with stress more gracefully and effectively.


This two-day workshop is an opportunity to deepen our intentions and be more skillfull in our relationships and actions.


Date / Time:

Wednesday,, February 20 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Thursday, February 21 from 9 am to 3:30 pm

To Register:




Conference Center

7 Mt. Lassen Drive, Suite B-126

San Rafael, CA 94903



RJ Jennings

Sahar Azarabadi

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to Sep 15


Leadership Embodiment Level 1

September 14 & 15, 2017

2-day Workshop

To be impactful and cultivate excellence within our organizations and with our clients, we must be conditioned in multi-faceted ways. Leadership Embodiment (LE) gives you the tools and practices to be a skillful listener, a powerful advocator and an inspirational leader. Leadership Embodiment calls us to look at our personality pattern so we are aware when we're preventing a more inclusive, bold, and centered vision of ourselves and the causes we seek to realize.

LE programs are designed to create deep and lasting impacts by engaging participants in practical, real world experiences of being centered under pressure. Participants build a reference point for confidence and the ability to take action gracefully under pressure.

How do we do this?

Research shows that the practice of LE tools such as centering, restores the capacity for the long-term, higher functioning aspects of the brain - big picture thinking, innovation, creativity and intuition. Stress mutes these higher functioning capacities of the brain and activates the short-term survival behavior - narrow focus, hyper vigilance and defensiveness.

What makes our program different than others?

LE provides simple and powerful ways to practice while you are working. We do more than tell you about the process, we create a simulator so that participants learn to recognize their own stress patterns and apply techniques that allow them to deal with stress more gracefully and effectively.


This two-day workshop is an opportunity to deepen our intentions and be more skillfull in our relationships and actions.


Date / Time:

Thursday, September 14 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Friday, September 15 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm



Conference Center

7 Mt. Lassen Drive, Suite B-126

San Rafael, CA 94903



RJ Jennings

Sahar Azarabadi

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All contents of this site © 2016 - 2017 Ron Jennings. All Rights Reserved.